Conditions of Import of Hunting Trophies into the Czech Republic

Conditions of import of hunting trophies into the Czech Republic. Are you going to import hunting trophies coming from abroad from the endangered animal species protected by the CITES Convention? Contact us! We will handle all legal and administrative formalities for you. We will represent you before the Czech Environmental Inspectorate, Border Veterinary Control and Customs Administration. You do not have to worry about anything, just hanging your hunting trophies.

Import of hunting trophies from Africa

Do you intend to go to Africa, for example, to increasingly popular wildlife hunting? If you hunt endangered animal species protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES abbreviated CITES), you will be able to take your hunting trophies to the Czech Republic only under the conditions laid down in this Convention, denoted by its place of signature as the Washington Convention. Over 180 signatory countries are currently conducting CITES. It is binding on the Czech Republic from 1 January 1993.

Under CITES, export and import licenses, so-called CITES permits, are required for export and import of endangered wild animal species. The export authorization shall be issued by the authorities of the Member State from which the endangered wild animals caught come from. Import licenses are issued by the countries where these animals are exported. It does not matter if you are exporting or importing a living endangered wild animal species, or only a part of such an already dead animal or product from it. Therefore, caution is also exercised on the spot when exporting and importing fur, bone or ivory products from such animals.

ECOVIS ježek is a Czech law firm specializing in representation before the highest courts, administrative proceedings and restitutions

Tomáš Nahodil has many years of practical experience and theoretical knowledge in the field of administrative law, representation in proceedings before administrative authorities and courts of the highest instance. Tomáš Nahodil is an acknowledged author of a wide range of professional publications and is able to provide you with legal advice to suit your needs.

If you need quality legal advice and representation in administrative and judicial proceedings, you can contact us at any time.

t: +420 226 236 600 | e:

Grant of authorization by the Czech Environmental Inspectorate

On the Czech side, the Czech Environmental Inspectorate grants CITES permits. Her worker expands and checks the consignment of hunting trophies directly in the airport transit area and verifies the origin and validity of the CITES export permita. As it is the import of animal trophies, it is also necessary to obtain permission from the border veterinary inspection prior to their entry into our territory. Her location is located at Václav Havel Airport in Prague. As soon as the consignment of your hunting trophies receives permission from both of these Czech authorities, we will represent you when making a customs declaration in customs proceedings before the Czech Customs Administration.

The representation of clients in front of the administrative bodies is specialized by our attorney, Tomáš Nahodil, who co-authored four editions of the book about the Administrative Procedure Code. If you order our legal services, you will have your hunting trophies at home early and without any problems.


For more information, please contact:

JUDr. Tomáš Nahodil

ECOVIS ježek, advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
Betlémské nám. 6
110 00 Prague 1

About ECOVIS ježek advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
The Czech law office in Prague ECOVIS ježek practices mainly in the area of Czech commercial law, Czech real estate law, representation at Czech courts, administrative bodies and arbitration courts, as well as Czech finance and banking law, and provides full-fledged advice in all areas, making it a suitable alternative for clients of international law offices. The international dimension of the Czech legal services provided is ensured through past experience and through co-operation with leading legal offices in most European countries, the US, and other jurisdictions. The Czech lawyers of the ECOVIS ježek team have many years of experience from leading international law offices and tax companies, in providing legal advice to multinational corporations, large Czech companies, but also to medium-sized companies and individual clients. For more information, go to

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